Magna Carta

Magna carta adalah hasil dari perselisihan antara paus raja john dan baronnya atas hak hak raja.
Magna carta. Magna carta definition the great charter of english liberties forced from king john by the english barons and sealed at runnymede june 15 1215. Magna carta libertatum medieval latin for great charter of freedoms commonly called magna carta also magna charta. Written in latin the magna carta or great charter was effectively the first written constitution in european history. Great charter is a royal charter of rights agreed to by king john of england at runnymede near windsor on 15 june 1215.
First drafted by archbishop of canterbury stephen langton to make peace between the unpopular king and a group of rebel barons it promised the. Magna carta latin untuk piagam besar adalah piagam yang dikeluarkan di inggris pada tanggal 15 juni 1215 yang membatasi monarki inggris sejak masa raja john dari kekuasaan absolut.