Manga Vegeta Ssbe

The upcoming canon changing events of dragon ball super s first movie dragon ball super.
Manga vegeta ssbe. Sort of like how the zeno s or supreme kai in z could not tell the difference between ss1 and ss2. Would this base gogeta be superior to ssbe vegeta. Vegeta s new hair and aura color in his new evolved form in the manga in the manga this state retains the same amount of muscle mass as super saiyan blue but it becomes noticeably more defined. But the fact that vegeta used fake ssbe in the latest character could mean toriyama accepted it.
In contrast blue evolved the manga counterpart of ssbe actually made him work a bit and earned his respect even if he still won pretty easily. Since i don t read the manga which is the power scale between vegeta ssbe goku ssbkk x 20 kefla ssj2 mystic gohan and god toppo. Just consider this in the manga master roshi used a psuedo ui like ability and jiren was unable to hit him despite the massive power advantage that power advantage would be significantly larger then the gap between ui goku and ssbe gogeta vegito so no the fusion would not beable to defeat ui goku. On the second cover for volume 9 of the dragon ball super manga it s hair and aura appears as a much darker blue 13 while in the colored manga.
Vegeta using fake ssbe and goku using fake ssbkk in the manga s top can also be considered non canon too. Broly have fans asking a lot questions about some of the mysteries left hanging after the end of the anime. 4 months ago speedforcenation. Peak topic creator 3 months ago 6.
The argument i would make is that while ssbe is clearly in the manga but the manga seems to imply that it was a temporary boost as opposed to a permanent form which i believe the anime implies. If the manga or anime does the arc they will use them and gogeta base will surpass them. Regal egotistical and full of pride vegeta was once a ruthless cold blooded warrior and outright killer but later abandons his role in. Evidence for this is in the very last episode of super where goku mentions he can no longer access ultra instinct while vegeta says no such thing.
Ssbe isn t named in the anime either in the manga they apparently reference his great power up but since it looks nearly the same they might not know it is a new form. Meaning if goku and vegeta fused now base gogeta ssjbe omen goku fusion is busted.