Manga Xeno Goku

In the manga after demigra reveals himself at the time nest chronoa summons the strongest warrior from xeno trunks memories goku in order to have him assist xeno trunks for a limited time.
Manga xeno goku. When chronoa and xeno trunks appear in their hideout towa has the masked saiyan attack xeno trunks while he overwhelms him in his base form upon turning into a super saiyan xeno trunks proves to be a match for the masked saiyan and eventually manages to damage his mask. Xeno goku and xeno trunks then spend the next six months training and getting stronger though in reality it had only been three days due to chronoa changing the flow of. So going by that goku xeno is tied with dbs cc goku and we find out that dbs cc goku is from after the top as is dbs cc vegeta and dbs future trunks. Aug 19 2020 an alternate timeline goku which matured more and takes on the ssj4 form.
See more ideas about goku dragon ball z dragon ball. Xeno gohan with the time patrol. In the manga xeno bardock appears as the masked saiyan under towa and mira s control. The heroes manga is more story driven and the anime loosely follows the manga.
Xeno frieza final form vs. Goku super saiyan xeno trunks and xeno goku. In the manga xeno gohan and the other members of the time patrol are thanked for their work in preserving the timelines by old kai when xeno trunks notices another disturbance. Xeno goku at the time nest.
In the dbh manga it is confirmed that all db lore is a part of the dbh world which is considered fiction in the real world in dbh like in our own world. Xeno goku slapped demigra in base. Xeno trunks and xeno bardock face mira. At that point the two of them seem to be more equal than the fight shown in the anime or even in the actual game as mui goku is clearly shown beating ss3 kanba before hearts and his.
In the game opening xeno gohan along with the rest of the time patrol are present at the time nest when demigra invades along with his henchmen robelu using the shirogame. Xeno frieza s defeat in the manga was similar to that of his counterparts being. Also xeno goku is smarter he has more energy and he has a better speed and skills. Edited by bloodofthearchon 0.
Game xeno frieza final form zarbon brainwashed dodoria brainwashed and towa demon goddess vs.